Help prepare meals in our production kitchen for local ministry partners. (10:30am-12:30pm)
Serve dinner to the residents of Changed Lives Christian Center. (5:15pm-6:15pm)
This is a great opportunity for families with children. CLCC is a 54-bed Christ-centered ministry that offers transitional housing for men who desire to break the cycle of homelessness in their own lives, whether from the economic recession or other personal issues such as substance abuse and/or mental illness.
Help prepare meals in our production kitchen for local ministry partners. (9:30am-11:30am)
Serve breakfast to a primarily homeless population in downtown Birmingham's Linn Park. We meet on the sidewalk on the Park Place side of the park, where 20th Street North dead ends, at 6:30 a.m. to unload and set up. We share a devotion and then begin serving breakfast. Volunteers are encouraged to strike up conversations with those who join us. We are there to meet a physical need, but our primary purpose is to share the gospel of Jesus Christ with those we serve.
Help prepare meals in our production kitchen for local ministry partners. (1:00pm-3:00pm)
Serve dinner to the residents of Brother Bryan Mission. (5:15pm-6:00pm)
This is a great opportunity for families with children. Through two residential programs, BBM seeks to minister to the economically, emotionally, and spiritually impoverished in the central Alabama area. Their goal is to return to each client to his family, church, and community free from addiction, with stable employment and housing, and with healthy relationships toward God and others.
At your home, prepare peanut butter-and-jelly sandwiches or bags of homemade snack mix to be included in lunch bags given away to a primarily homeless population at Thursday breakfast in downtown Birmingham. The packaged sandwiches need to be dropped off in Hoover before 11 a.m. on Wednesday mornings (the signup includes drop-off info). The snack mix will be picked up from your home around lunchtime on Wednesdays (specific details will be communicated once you sign up).
Handwritten cards that correspond with each week’s devotion are included in the lunch bags given away in the park on Thursdays. A different verse has been selected for each week. If you would like to volunteer, email Lisa Latham at to be added to the schedule. This is a wonderful project for groups.
Wrap heavy-duty forks and knives in individual napkins, tie with curling ribbon in a bow (it’s easier to open than knot) and an encouraging scripture printed on strips of paper. This is a wonderful project for groups.
Write encouraging scripture on the lids of three-compartment styrofoam takeout containers (aka clamshells). This is a wonderful project for groups and small children (they can decorate the lids with stickers or drawings).