Category: Blog Posts

2019 Year in Review

It has been 10 years since God called us to start this ministry. That statement is both humbling and amazing! Because of the Lord’s great faithfulness, volunteers have been able to minister to people in need in many ways in 2019. On most Monday nights for almost six years, we have served dinner to the […]

Miracle in the Park

There was definitely an evil spirit at work in the park this morning. Two men were threatening bodily harm to one another. They had an ongoing conflict and, when they met up at the breakfast table this morning, they immediately started yelling at one another. This was another rainy Thursday and they were standing right […]

2018 Year in Review

As we celebrate nine years of serving, we continue to see God’s faithfulness in financial provision and through the relationships we are building with those we serve. What a gift! Because of your support of and prayers for Grace’s Kitchen, volunteers have been able to minister to people in need in many ways in 2018. […]

Building Relationships

Our goal for serving breakfast each week is to build relationships with those we serve. This morning, I saw the faithfulness of the Lord on display in this area. Tony, a friend who we haven’t seen in months, joined us for pancakes. When I asked him how we could pray for him, he asked that […]

Feeding Hungry Souls

This has been a super-busy week at Grace’s Kitchen. Thanks to our terrific kitchen and serving volunteers, we shared Christ’s love through food at every opportunity. In all, we served more than 400 folks (most weeks that number is around 200).

The Power of Prayer

Each Thursday, we ask our park friends how we can pray for them. Usually some say that they are all prayed up, some simply ask that we pray for everything in their lives, and other make specific requests. There is a faithful group that lifts up our friends during the week. What a gift to […]

Pancake Day

This morning was everybody’s-favorite pancake day in the park! Pray our friends experience the freedom of Christ’s gift of grace brings. “And it shall come to pass that everyone who calls upon the name of the Lord will be saved.” Acts 2:21